The Pro’s & Cons of The Big Dogs Program

Secret of the Big Dogs

Pro’s & Cons




The Big Dogs is an excellent program, that shares real business principles and does not cover up the truth of working online.
There is a potential to earn $232 monthly residual income per customer! 
The ability to go full time with your business is a much faster possibility.
The Secret of the Big Dogs is international through Clickbank

It’s not expensive and only costs $10 month.

Big Dogs shares really excellent traffic sites that provides a LOT of hits each month!


Now many people can’t upgrade to all the traffic programs inside the Big Dogs but even if they upgraded to just a couple good ones, they could possibly earn you $20 – $40 monthly residual income.


As our team members become more and more successful they will upgrade to better traffic sites. This is even true for Elizebeth and I as we are always thinking of upgrading in traffic and we already get lots of traffic!


The owner, Stan, puts together a monthly newsletter that is VERY good and helpful.


Each of the Traffic Sites in Big Dogs works/pays anywhere in the world I believe and we can grow our downline in traffic sites too.


The owner of Big Dogs, Stan Stuchinski is a good guy too – very supportive and helpful. I’ve worked with him a long time and the system really works well as I can attest having personally made 21 sales of the Big Dogs program.



The only thing it doesn’t do is to pay down-line on others work and sales, like GDI does.

It also is bit of work to set up your account, but its definitely worth the time.

You can take a test run of this site here: TEAM LEADERS LINK.

Don’t forget to find your team leaders link and connect with it there. 



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